In making cheap transport of logs possible, the Columbia River facilitated
the development of the lumber industry. On this site an impressive sawmill
operated for half a century. Initially known as the Edgewood Lumber Co., the
sawmill was relocated to the abandoned Sproat's Landing site in 1910. William
Waldie and Sons, as the mill was known after 1928, was a major employer in the
growing community. Although bought out by Celgar Development Co. in 1952, the
mill continued operations until 1961.
*** *** ***
April 27, 1963. The Makaroff house is bathed by a red glow originating from
the fire, directly across the river. The river, impregnated by its glow, seems
blood red. The entire family is spell-bound by the huge fire which rages through
the whole long and memorable night. Memories of his 27 years of employment flash
through John Makaroff's mind as he watches the flames which are destroying fifty
years of history. He cannot fight back the tears.
April 30, 1934. Fifteen year old John Makaroff has made up his mind to
approach John Waldie about getting a job at the mill. As the eldest son, he is
feeling the obligation to support the family of three children and his widowed
mother. After explaining his plight he is sent away, greatly disappointed, as he
is underage. That evening, there is a knock on the door of the modest Makaroff
household. It is John Waldie, coming to see for himself the desperate situation
the family is in. He makes up his mind immediately. Young John starts work the
next day.
The Great Depression. The Waldies try to keep the mill going at all costs to
keep the workers at least partly employed. As everywhere across the nation, the
trains bring desperate men looking for work. Although the Waldies can't offer
work, they offer food and a warm place to spend the night. One day, the cook
refuses to provide food to some dozen vagrant men. When Mr. Waldie hears of it,
he storms into the kitchen and immediately fires the cook. Then he proceeds to
make sandwiches for the hungry men.
As these vignettes show, the Waldie Mill was far more than the major employer
for the growing community of Castlegar. With a genuine belief in their
responsibility for their own workers and for the welfare of the broader
community, the Waldies in many ways became a social institution in our valley.
For nearly half a decade, development in the area was shaped in good measure by
the ups and downs of the Waldie Mill and the pace of everyday life was measured
by the sound of its mill whistle.
William Waldie Sr. moved his family to Nelson in 1896, to seek his fortune in
the booming mining business. His practical business sense soon paid off, and in
a decade he did well enough to be in position to look for other investments. As
his own father had exposed him to the sawmill business in the family enterprise
on Georgian Bay, Ontario, he decided to pursue his instincts and to invest
heavily in a lumber operation at Edgewood, on the Upper Arrow Lake. He soon
realized that the future growth of the Edgewood Lumber Company was severely
limited by its isolated location, and as he was a major shareholder, he
convinced his partners to seek a better location.
He realized that the abandoned Sproat's Landing site offered the
pefect setting for his mill. It was located at the point where the current
of the Columbia River picks up speed after its leisurely flow through the
Arrow Lakes; also there were strategically placed small islands which
would permit anchorage of boom logs to develop a ponding area. The growing
community across the river would provide both a work force and a local
market. But most important, the C.P.R. had a rail line running right past
the site, and this line could ship his product right across the nation.
His decision to relocate to Castlegar must have also been influenced by the
fact that at the very time he was contemplating the move, the Yale-Columbia
sawmill at Westley was lost in a spectacular fire during its eighth year of
operation. The loss of the mill which had extensive logging rights along Lower
Arrow Lake created a vacuum which could be instantly filled by the relocation of
his already viable enterprise.
In 1909 the property was secured, and lumber was cut at the Edgewood Mill for
the erection of new buildings at Castlegar. New machinery was ordered and
installed and in 1910 the new Edgewood Lumber Company mill commenced operations.
The first logs milled at the new site were from the unused log inventory from
the burnt-out mill at Westley. These logs were not consumed by the fire as they
were still in booms on the lake and thus protected from the flames. Cutting
still continued along Upper Arrow Lake, especially in the vicinity of Whatshan
Lake; however new timber rights were sought and procured along Lower Arrow Lake
and near Castlegar, including the unused cutting rights of the now defunct
Yale-Columbia enterprise.
The mill itself evolved over time. Many photographs document this transition
from the modest beginnings to the expansive operation of the 1940's. The first
decade was difficult: two fires (in 1913 and 1916) destroyed large portions of
the mill and were contributing factors in its evolution. The former fire was
apparently started by a careless worker who knocked over a kerosene lantern. He
was promptly fired, and went on to a presumably safer and more productive
venture when he founded the Capozzi winery in Kelowna.
Transport of logs was chiefly by water: down the Arrow Lakes and Columbia
River in the form of large booms. These were towed by powerful tugs of which the
"Elco" was the best known. Her name is derived from the initials of the parent
company. Booms on the lakes were fed by logs that shot down mountainsides in
extensive flumes which channeled them to the booming grounds. The most famous
was a flume several miles long which sent logs from Whatshan Lake to the Lower
Arrow Lake near Needles; it was built because the Whatshan River was itself too
turbulent and produced endless log jams. Where flotation was not feasible, horse
drawn transport was used. Mechanization in the field did not play a major role
until the 1940's.
Logs booms were broken up upstream of the railway bridge and the logs were
guided by chains of boom logs into the mill pond through a gap in the cribbing
between Breakwater Island and the main shore. Once in the pond, the logs were
kept captive by other boom logs which were stretched out between Breakwater
Island, Waldie Island and the main shore. Appropriate logs were nudged toward
the 'jack-ladder', a chain ramp by means of which they were dragged out of the
water and onto the sawmill carriage. Here they were milled into boards with
vertically oriented double cutting band saws, whose blades had to be sharpened
regularly in the filing shop. Rotary blades were used for cross-cutting the
lumber into specific lengths. The freshly cut lumber was transported out of the
mill on the 'green-chain' where it was manually sorted. The green-chain was
located on an extensive elevated deck which connected to all other parts of the
mill. Sorted lumber was hauled on wagons which were of two types: some were
single axle and had to be drawn by workers; others were dual axle wagons drawn
by horses. Lumber was loaded off the wagons and piled into stacks on the ground
level. There was quite a drop from the deck to the ground and Betty Price
(Lampard), who grew up at the Waldie Sawmill, remembers a wagon and its horse
tumbling off. After a suitable drying period, the lumber was transported to the
planer mill for final finishing. An ingenious system of wooden rollers was used
to feed lumber to the planer mill. The finished product was of three basic
types: structural lumber, lath (slats used as a plaster base), and cedar shakes.
The entire operation was run by steam which was produced by four boilers located
in a building adjacent to the sawmill; the fires were fed by wood waste such as
sawdust and mill ends. Poorer waste (bark etc.) was burnt in the large beehive
burner which dominated the mill.
Maintenance tasks were very comprehensive. There was a
blacksmith shop where all sorts of special mill components and tools were
fabricated or repaired. A filing shop looked after the daily routine of
keeping the various saw blades sharp and replacements ready. A large
repair shop was built to service the various machines which became more
common as mechanization took over from horses.
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In addition to satisfying local markets, the mill sent lumber to distant
regions, notably the Prairies. C.P.R. constructed two different spur lines into
the mill compound. The earlier version was a long trestle which left the main
line just below the present-day Brilliant School. This was replaced later by a
spur angling down the embankment as it approaches the railway bridge. The
trestle was abandoned as it was expensive to maintain and C.P.R. management had
by now satisfied themselves that the bridge could withstand the stresses imposed
by trains shunting back and forth as they serviced the new ramp to the mill.
Much of the work force was resident at the mill. Over a dozen small cabins
can be seen in the earlier photos; these were available at modest cost and board
was also available in the cookhouse. Married employees lived in town or
adjoining villages and walked to work. Crossing the railway bridge was
especially hazardous and several close calls and one death led to the
construction in 1913 of a pedestrian walkway which was attached to the bridge.
This remained in use until it was dismantled by the Ministry of Transportation & Highways in spring of 2003. Somewhat later, several houses were constructed
between the office building and the repair shop and these were rented to married
workers whose occupations were fundamental to smooth running of the mill: the
Walners (Elmer was planer mill foreman), Lampards (Bert was a millwright),
Houstons (William operated the steam plant), and the MacKinnons. John Waldie also
resided at the site. Unless there was exceptional demand, the mill was generally
closed for three months each year for maintenance. During the Depression no
paying markets could be found. Operations were curtailed and a system of
bartering was worked out. Instead of cash, employees were paid promissory notes
for value in lumber; these would be accepted as cash by the local merchants and
in turn passed on to wholesalers who were in better position to get reimbursed
in Waldie lumber. Initially, the working day was 10 hours; later it was reduced
to 9 and eventually 8. During the war, demand for lumber gradually picked up and
the mill started running a second shift. Wages seem low by today's standard
(John Makaroff's starting wage was 25 cents per hour), but there were few
deductions and costs were generally low as well. There were other rewards. The
company organized picnics to Deer Park on their tugboats and at Christmas, the
"Old Man" saw to it that every worker's child received a gift valued at about a
dollar. Lumber was sold to employees on extremely generous credit terms if they
were in need. The Waldie mill donated all the lumber for the construction of the
Castlegar Community Hall and many Waldie workers donated their labour.
For the children that lived at the mill site, the mill offered wonderful
opportunities for play and adventure. Betty Price (Lampard) vividly remembers
her childhood spent at the mill. During the winter, the trail into the site from
the railway bridge became a toboggan run: under the right conditions the
children would fly past the office building, then the row of residential
housing, past the repair shop - stopping only as they neared the ramp leading
onto the platforms (or "trams", as the children called the elevated decks).
There was a skating rink near the breakwater, which attracted kids from the
whole village. A huge bonfire was built on the bank to provide warmth. But only
the resident children had access to the real secret play-places: the warehouse
where small chunks of tar could be procured for use as chewing gum; or the dry
kiln, whose rock-filled counterweight bins made a great ride up and down every
time the massive doors were opened.
The most prosperous times for the mill were in the late 1920's - before the
Crash - and in the 1940's. In the early 1920's three of the four Waldie sons
(Robert, John, and William Jr.) came of age and joined in mill operations. To
better reflect the management of the mill, the name of the enterprise was
changed in 1928 to William Waldie and Sons Ltd. William Waldie Sr. died in 1932
and the entire community felt the loss in his passing. The void was soon filled
as the boys took over with Bob being office manager, John in charge of mill
operations, and Bill looking after the logging. In the 1940's the mill prospered
again until it received a serious setback. In 1948 heavy winter snowfalls
combined with warm temperatures in late spring to produce a record flood in
early June. A good part of the lumber inventory was lost when it either got
washed away or the lumber was warped badly as the piles fell over into a tangled
mess. Operations soon resumed, however, and the mill entered the fifties.
In 1952 Canadian Cellanese Corp. acquired the Waldie mill and started with
plans for a new sawmill and pulp mill further upstream. The Waldies continued to
operate the mill for the new owners and the general community was unaware that a
significant change had taken place. In 1958 the Waldie brothers retired and for
a few years refocused their attention to the operation of the retail lumber and
hardware store now known as Mitchell Supply. On June 21, 1961 the new mill at
Westley started operating and the hum and rattle of machinery stopped at the
Waldie site forever. Later that year, demolition of the old mill was begun. A
decision was made to burn the remaining structures after salvageable materials
were recovered. Fire broke out three days prematurely, however, when a spark
from a welder's torch set off the inferno in the old dry kiln. The immense blaze
lasted long into the night, attracting curiosity seekers from miles around. By
the next morning the mill which had become entwined in so many peoples' lives
was only a smouldering pile of ashes and rubble. Today the site is occupied by
the sewage treatment facility for north Castlegar.
Aside from machinery components which are widely scattered across the site
previously occupied by the mill, there are still some intact structures. These
can be seen along the Waldie Island Trail which I developed for the Friends of
Parks and Trails Society in 1996 to reclaim some of the rich historical heritage along
this important portion of the Columbia River. The repair shop foundation is
still recognizable ; the tugboats used to tie up just below it. Further along,
remnants of the cribbing on Breakwater Island are prolonging the inevitable
outcome in their battle with the never-yielding current. In the old mill pond,
pilings mark the site of the jack-ladder which fed logs into the jaws of the
hungry mill for such a long time. And in places one can still see old
boom-sticks which were left stranded on Waldie Island and the forest of the
adjacent shoreline by the flood of 1948. The area once overshadowed by the
beehive burner where cedar shakes were produced in such vast numbers is now
overgrown by a forest of cottonwoods; the trees share the space with red-osier
dogwood, willow, wild rose, hawthorn, wild hop, and nightshade. A whole new
universe of animal life has again occupied the many environmental niches that
gradually reappeared and which collectively add such complexity to this valuable
wetland - so recently reclaimed by nature.